Update from the Mendo NF
Hello Eager and Excited Volunteers!
We have figured out the logistics for our Volunteer Week, starting next Monday August 12th! Please keep in mind, we don’t normally host volunteers this many days in a row, we are unsure how many volunteers we will have each day and therefore we will working things out as we go! If you have not filled out a new (since January 2019) Volunteer Agreement, we will have you do so, first thing when you arrive next week!
If you are interested in having access to our geo referenced South end MNF Map and tracking trail maintenance, technical hazards and work progress, we are sharing this Avenza map with you.
Choose the right app for your type of phone
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Download PDF ‘SOUTH’ – upload to the Avenza App. This map will be geo referenced and will show your location when you are in the forest!

You can also open the attached jpeg and scan it into Avenza. This is the current closure map.
In addition we have included the ADMINISTRATIVE USE FOREST VISITOR MAP - This map is for administrative use only by Forest Service employees volunteers and contractors.
1) Clicking the Add Map icon

and choose Download or Import a map, and then
2) Selecting the QR Code icon

in the upper right corner. This will enable your device’s camera to scan the QR codes from this document and download the map file.
We are still working on an easier method to get you this map, if none of the above options work.
We will meet every morning at the Fouts Maintenance Yard at 9 AM (39܄° 21’ 18.79” 122° 39’ 27.80”). All volunteers must check in and out of this location. Camping is open in the entire Fouts area and you are welcome to camp. Please bring all your Personal Protective Equipment with you. This includes, long pants, boots, long sleeves, ear plugs, hardhat, gloves and goggles. We do have hardhats for you to borrow.
*Brushing the newly rerouted Trail 40 and some light hand work with hand tools (
walking .3 mile) ½ day
Hedge trimmer
*Finish Brushing Trail 20 (
bike or quads)
Hand Saws
Need an extra hedge trimmer if anybody has one
*Trail 21 Recon slide and water crossings (
Recommend a plan of action if it is not passible or in bad shape
*Cut out Trees and GPS Technical Hazards along Trails 15,16 17, 18 AND Trails 6,8,12, Trail 22 AND Ponderosa Way/Trail 53 hazards (
bikes or quads)
If you are chainsaw certified and need to borrow anything related to chain sawing, please reach out to me via telephone.
If you are not chainsaw certified, we have handsaws for you to use. Any questions please reach out to me via telephone.
*Trail 36 – move Adopt-A-Trail sign and create natural barriers, replace burned log crossing drainages, hand work (
UTV’s or jeeps, then walk)
Post hole digger
Rock/Tamping bar
Hand saws
*Removing Burned Barriers and Rebar from St. John Mountain (
trucks, UTV’s, jeeps okay but need a way to haul off the materials)
Rebar Pullers
Rock Bar
Sledge Hammers
Trailer (Forest Service Staff –SL-on Monday 8/12 only)
*Trail Marker Installation 5 corners toward Goat Mountain and all of closure area (UTV or jeeps)
Pilot hole driver
Fiberglass Trail Markers
Rag and spray
*Post & Rail parking Fence in Mill Valley Campground (trucks or jeeps)
post hole diggers
rock bars
extension cords
drill and bits
hardware 12” lag bolts
6’x6’ lumber (8, 10 &12 foot long)
Reciprocating Saw
A lot of you have responded already, thank you! If you have not, please respond via email, as to what days you will be showing up and what type of OHV you will be using.
Looking forward to working with all of you!
Kind Regards
Paige Makowski
Recreation Technician | Forest Service
Mendocino National Forest, Grindstone Ranger District | p: 530-963-1328
f: 530-963-3173 paige.makowski@usda.gov | 5171 Stonyford - Elk Creek RD
Stonyford, CA 95979
   | Caring for the land and serving people |