Enthusiast III

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Enthusiast III
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Enthusiast III
Enthusiast III
WE wont be heading out until 10am if you would like to joinProbably couldn\'t make it by 8am. (I\'m 200mi away) But, might could meet up on the trail somewhere about lunch time if I knew the route.
Enthusiast III
Pathfinder I
Enthusiast I
Enthusiast I
NC 105 Should be no issues for your truck. It is mainly a gravel dirt no major off-roading.How is this trail for a fullsize truck?
Member II
no problems for a full sizeHow is this trail for a fullsize truck?
Enthusiast III
Member II
Enthusiast III
Cracker BarrelI'll be there
meeting at the Chevy dealer correct?
Member II
Enthusiast III
Pathfinder I
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Member II
Enthusiast III
My gf and I tallied up all our dirt time this weekend, and over 200 miles of dirt were covered with a total of almost 500+ miles round trip. As soon as I can figure out how to navigate uploading a GPX file, I will add it to the thread! @Staticline40 it was great meeting you!So @OverlandOzzy1 and I took the long way to Old NC 105. We ended up doing over 40 miles of mostly dirt and ended up at the North end of 105. I've attached the GPX file.
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