Advocate III
Advocate III
I don't wash mine too often, but just actually did a couple weeks ago. I bought it two years ago and still have not had it waxed, which I plan on doing very soon to maybe get out some of the big scratches. To answer your question, no, I don't feel bad at all because I don't care what other people think. I often do feel funny having a newer Land Rover because of all the Jeep folks, but in the end, some are nice and some are dingle heads. I think good maintenance is a sign of someone who takes good care of their rig, because there are plenty of people who have the mud/dirt on it just for "show".16751 said:Killing some time I went through the past entries diggin’ the rigs. I liked a bunch of them. I do have a question: After you wash your rig, which is necessary for vehicle maintenance, do you ever feel bad that others may think you’re a poser?
That is VERY nice! Great looking rig.16759 said:Hey everyone! Here is 0010!!!
Why would I worry about the people who do not know me and what they think of my vehicle? My vehicle is what it is. It is built for a purpose: to get my family and myself out into the world to discover its beauty and build life skills.16751 said:Killing some time I went through the past entries diggin’ the rigs. I liked a bunch of them. I do have a question: After you wash your rig, which is necessary for vehicle maintenance, do you ever feel bad that others may think you’re a poser?
I wash wax and polish when needed and use sealer. Keeping all my vehicles clean and paint protected. No matter what you do in life someone will find a way to poop on your parade if you let em. But I do what I like, if you dig it cool but if you don't you can pound sand.16751 said:Killing some time I went through the past entries diggin’ the rigs. I liked a bunch of them. I do have a question: After you wash your rig, which is necessary for vehicle maintenance, do you ever feel bad that others may think you’re a poser?
Pathfinder II
Pathfinder II
Pathfinder III
Advocate II
Advocate II
Contributor III
Pathfinder II
Pathfinder III
Enthusiast III
Im pretty happy with it so far it just keeps getting better...17394 said:@nomad years ago I was living in Central America in a surf town and one of those AWD Astros came bouncing down a damn near impassable muddy dirt track with 8 surfboards on the rack and four grinning travelers. That thing was unstoppable and just plain rad. Cool van.