Enthusiast III
What type of tablet does everyone use for their gps? And with that, what type of apps?
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Sent from my iPad using OB Talk
Enthusiast III
Member III
Enthusiast III
Enthusiast III
Advocate II
Enthusiast III
I really like that mount as well!I use a AT&T Trek HD. GPS I use is what ever is free but looking to buy Gaia. He is a couple pics mounted in my truck. The mount is Mobotron.
View attachment 15033 View attachment 15038 View attachment 15039
Off-Road Ranger I
Wifi models don't have a gps. So you need to add an external Bluetooth GPS.So do these things have to be mobile versions? ie: a verizon or att subscription. My son has an ipad mine, but it only gets on internet via wifi. Can you use these with only the mobile versions?
Enthusiast III
Advocate II