For Sale - Tepui Ruggedized with extras - $1500

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Rank IV
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Enthusiast I

San Diego
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Price: $1500

Location: San DIego. It's probably easiest to come to me since I have the space and tools. But, I'm willing to travel some to meet you. Say 75 miles and burgers are on you.

I built this setup a few years ago and it's been awesome. And, the only reason I'm changing things up is my dog is getting older and something like a GFC is going to be work better for us. So, what is it?

Tepui Kukenam Ruggized 3 + Extras
- Tepui Kukenam 3 Tent
- Annex
- Boot Bags
- Siesta Mattress
- Cold Weather Insulator

I've replaced the cover, cover straps, and side straps.


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Rank IV
Launch Member

Enthusiast I

San Diego
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Any interest between San Diego and Montana? I'll be heading north in November.