Chasing our Trunks to Alberta, Alaska, and Beyond

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Pathfinder I

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Hello fellow Overlanders!

My wife and I have been over landing for a few years -- me on my own since long before I knew it was called "Overlanding" and the two of us together as a family. We are brand new here and I look forward to engaging with you as fellow travellers and enthusiasts; I like the attitude I've seen so far wherein not everyone needs a low-mile 70 series land cruiser with an EeziAwn or a Unimog fully kitted just to fit in! Our approache is Any vehicle is an Overland vehicle if you are Overlanding in it -- whether it's a Hyundai Sonata (Saw one of these on the way to Prudhoe, dude was having a BLAST!) Or a C90 scoot scoot (like the couple that have been driving theirs around the world with nary an oil change)

We have done quite a few trips -- most have started in Edmonton Alberta, and our travels have taken us throughout the Western USA, across Canada to Southern Ontario, and North to Prudhoe Bay.

My rig of choice is my Tiger 800XC while my wife prefers 4 wheels and the company of our dog in our jeep.

I figured I would post up a few videos of our trips. We don't make these for anyone but ourselves and we never claim to be cinematographers or film makers of any sort; the main objective is so that when we are old and grey we can sit around the TV with the grandkids and show them how cool we used to be! But, we share them on YouTube for close friends and family and if the occasional friendly stranger enjoyed them too, more the better.

The name of our travel adventures, Chasing our Trunks, is based off the Kipling story where the elephant travels across Africa to find out what the Crocodile had for dinner. The destination of course was not as important as the journey, and we felt that was a fitting metaphor for our own paths.

Without further messing about, here's our videos so far; we did plan to do one of our Ontario trip last summer but there was a tech error and we lost about 90% of our video due to equipment failure. We may do another one this year though!

Episode 1: Northwest Territories

Episode 2: Icefields Parkway

Episode 3 (and our biggest one yet): Alaska

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