Influencer II
Influencer II
Pathfinder II
But Grandma loves assGrandma hates chicken.
Well said BobI just got home which means the trip is over. Actually, I know many members are still on the road as I write this and I wish them safe travels home. I want to thank everyone that attended this epic INTERNATIONAL adventure. I hope you all had as good a time as I did.
It truly was an adventure; including a major breakdown that halted us for quite awhile on the dark trail. I'm truly impressed how those that could help did so by either being hands on or offering their spare parts and those of us that couldn't help, stayed positive. One member left camp Friday at midnight, arriving in town at 3:17 am, and returned Saturday morning on a quest looking for bunnies...I mean parts.
We had great campfires, I don't think any ended before 2:00 am, and great times.
I'm confident in saying that our newbies are now experienced off roaders, although I don't think they'll believe me when I say a trail is easy.
Two ambassador coins were handed out. Kelly for being the go to guy and Dale for his positive attitude dealing with his rig breakdown. Congrats guys, well deserved. I'm proud to call you both my friends as well as everyone else there.
On this trip I did learn that a well built expo rig can compete in the Baja 1000 with Timmy's wife behind the wheel. I also learned that Grandma loves trekking with this crew and she hated parting ways at the end.
Again thanks to all of you, it was a team effort that made this a great weekend and the team rocked.
I'll close this with some words of wisdom;
"Left turn at the orange cone."
( my apologies to those not there and won't understand some of this)
Always a thank you to @Michael and @Corrie. Without the two of you this weekend would not have happened.
I thought footies was your thing@picklejuice Holding hands at the fire was nice!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!
Influencer II
Influencer II
Influencer II
Toby looks so scary.
Off-Road Ranger I
@Corrie " The silver fox of OB" Great shot Nick @NorCalCrisp !!!! BOB, Grammy hates Bob, But loves Bobby!
"We All" How many people have been lucky enough to be part of a real team? A team that is selfless. My Scout Master told me" a convoy is only as fast as it's slowest ship" Working together to make it to their final destination as a complete team. I've been trying to find the best way to express my gratitude for the team.View attachment 10046
remember that one time we all almost got stranded??
Haha, Alex and I were thinking he looked kind of Dorky in this photo - just needs some glasses.Toby looks so scary.
Influencer II
Pathfinder II
"We All" How many people have been lucky enough to be part of a real team? A team that is selfless. My Scout Master told me" a convoy is only as fast as it's slowest ship" Working together to make it to their final destination as a complete team. I've been trying to find the best way to express my gratitude for the team.
mmnorthdirections : knowing that all directions point East
Narbob : keeping are sprits high by telling us that the drive is half as long as it really is
Reconnoiter: showing super human endurance driving 7 extra hours to buy $6 hose
ravenplague : having the common sense to carry spare hoses and fluid
picklejuice: Scratching up a sweet 100 Series in the name of adventure
Mademan925 : Timmy your a great spotter and thanks for pre-running the trails so we would know where the orange cone is
The Germans : You taught us it's worth spending the extra $15 for insurance and a GPS
And to whole the team, you're awesome, thanks for making me part of something!