So for the last twenty something years I have been the proud owner of a '85 Toyota Hilux and "Pete" has been the most dependable vehicle that I have ever been around. I retired Pete from daily driving about 6 years ago and started driving my Cummins "Clifford" full time. In that time I really missed having a smaller truck.

I had told my wife a several years back that if Toyota ever started making a tan truck again with a manual transmission I was going to buy one. I am guessing that that statement stuck in her head. She had taken her FJ in for service and was wandering the showroom at the deal and found the 2016 Tacoma brochures in the rack and grabbed one. Later that evening I came home from work, showered and sat down to rest she walks up with the brochure, hands it to me and says "Go order your truck." When your wife tells you to do something you best do it... At least that is what I've been told.
Fast forward 6 months. My new Truck shows up at the dealership just the way I wanted it. Four doors, 4wd, rear locker, and a manual transmission.
The truck has treated me great so far. The family and I have already taken it on several pretty good adventures. I have also made some modifications to get the truck where I need it to be. This is a catch up thread so I am going to do a photo dump to get it up to date for you guys and gals. Here we go!

First mod, shift knob.

Brake control installed.

In the wild for the first time.

P.I.N.S. with the wife for the weekend.

Picked up new Trailer after selling the goosenecks.

Earning its keep hauling "Pete" and materials.

Ready to head South.

Beach bumming.
Wombat got a new roof rack and a new girlfriend in the same week.

Had some days off so I decided to build some stuff.

Big Bend with my son for a week.

Heading to the Frio River, stopping at Nora's is a must!
Some eye relief on the hood with just a touch of 1985 added for style.

I had told my wife a several years back that if Toyota ever started making a tan truck again with a manual transmission I was going to buy one. I am guessing that that statement stuck in her head. She had taken her FJ in for service and was wandering the showroom at the deal and found the 2016 Tacoma brochures in the rack and grabbed one. Later that evening I came home from work, showered and sat down to rest she walks up with the brochure, hands it to me and says "Go order your truck." When your wife tells you to do something you best do it... At least that is what I've been told.
Fast forward 6 months. My new Truck shows up at the dealership just the way I wanted it. Four doors, 4wd, rear locker, and a manual transmission.

The truck has treated me great so far. The family and I have already taken it on several pretty good adventures. I have also made some modifications to get the truck where I need it to be. This is a catch up thread so I am going to do a photo dump to get it up to date for you guys and gals. Here we go!

First mod, shift knob.

Brake control installed.

In the wild for the first time.

P.I.N.S. with the wife for the weekend.

Picked up new Trailer after selling the goosenecks.

Earning its keep hauling "Pete" and materials.

Ready to head South.

Beach bumming.

Wombat got a new roof rack and a new girlfriend in the same week.

Had some days off so I decided to build some stuff.

Big Bend with my son for a week.

Heading to the Frio River, stopping at Nora's is a must!

Some eye relief on the hood with just a touch of 1985 added for style.
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