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  • Hey Michael thanks for the welcome! So stoked to be apart of this
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    I bought a membership and badges and shirts and patches. When will I get a member number and my badge?? Thanks!
    Thank you for the great welcome and excited to be a member and getting to know members and get involved in excursions and help where I can in my local area.
    Thanks for the welcome! Glad to be part of the OB crew. Been watching you tube channel for a while, eager to dig in and get dirty :)
    Thanks for the welcome just working on my 4x4 ban to attend some of the upcoming rally’s
    HI Michael, joel here glad to be part of the community. were back here in the philippines. if there are other memebers here from the philipines lets meet up =)
    Hi Michael I am trying to become a member. When I go to the shore to join and click on any of the member packages it does not show in my cart. I don't know if this is me doing something wrong or the sites fault.
    Oh man! Sorry about that Dave - we do have a known issue with Msft Edge. What browser are you using? You might try chrome? Thank you for the support!
    Thank you for the warm welcome. My overlanding happened by accident, I bought the rooftop tent for my rig in order to get into some remote wilderness locations for the moose hunt. It wasn't until preparing to go on a camping trip with the tent on top when a couple people approached me and told me about a few apps I should have for my phone.
    Hello! Really excited to be apart of the community. I have a 2003 Subaru Forester that I recently started modifying for overlanding. I do a lot of camping with my RV but just find the freedom of exploration calling me further into the wilderness. Hope to be active in Southern California with other members. Feel free to reach out or follow me on Instagram at InfamousElGuapo .
    Hi all!
    Thank you for the add. Even though I have been camping most of my life, I am new to the overland world. Looking to turn my 2008 Suburban into a capable overland rig. Planning to get my Burb ready by summer 2019 and start overlanding with my wife, 12 and 5 year old daughters and our dog. I am looking for assistance in setting my Burb up and planning destinations.
    Hi Michael. We’ve been eyeing the gazelle tent for a few weeks now and I wanted to ask how does it hold up with wind? Our Coleman tent collapsed on our last outing and we think it’s time to replace. Also, how long have y’all been using your tent? Thanks in advance for your feedback!
    Thanks for putting this together very cool! Looks like I'm just over the hill from you in CV.
    Michael, I started a thread for a new OB Ham Radio Net that there is some interest in doing. What are your thoughts on this and do we need to get some type of ok from OB to do this? The thought is to have it on Echolink once a month and see what interest there is.
    Thanks Brent BJ7BHN
    Michael I’m receiving a large number of email messages from your email at overlandbound - looks like it’s pointing to a DEV server (dev overlandbound ) and the messages are all nonsense/state “TESTING”. I think something something in your testing is going wrong!
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