I love their disclaimer;
I am sure that most of our customers would agree that our planet is seemingly overrun with idiots. While we are sensitive to those with below average intelligence quotients, idiots are not part of this group thus undeserving of empathy, sympathy, or anything else except for utter disdain and contempt. Idiots, well, are just plain stupid. They are the perpetrators of stupid acts. These stupid acts come in many forms, such as: using a lawnmower to trim hedges, looking down the business end of a loaded firearm, sticking an arm in a running washing machine, using a microwave as a pet dryer, and the list goes on and on. But, no matter how stupid an idiot’s actions are, even when entirely void of all common sense to the point of vacuous, there is an endless cadre of civil advocates who clamor at the opportunity to represent the idiot, thus exacerbating the original stupid act to the point of ludicrousness. That being said, the following legal disclaimer is intended for members of the idiot sub-species and their attorney friends. Those individuals who are endowed with common sense need not read further.
This is a knife. A knife is essentially a tool designed for cutting, puncturing, stabbing, slicing, and other potentially dangerous operations. A knife can and will cause injury to the operator if used incorrectly. If you are indeed an idiot, please notify the proprietor that you are not authorized to hold, operate, or even peruse sharp instruments (knives being included). I apologize for the digression but we must keep all of the shyster lawyers happy.