Member III
As I am getting settled into the US East Region Director position, I would like to take a minute and introduce and thank the US East Region Member Reps for the help and time they give to help the OB members.
Going from North to South by coverage are....
@Team Harrington covering VT, NH and ME
@EscoTerrestrial covering NY, RI and CT
@Chris Jones giving a helping hand in MA for as long as I can keep him here!
@Wawa Skittletits covering PA and NJ
@NovaBound covering DE, MD and VA
These guys have been a HUGE help in the forums and on the FB group. Their local knowledge and experience helps me direct the region and they give me the "boots on the ground" resources in each area that I need to help YOU the OB Members!
Take a second, say hi, give them a big thank you and show them your support!
In case you noticed I am lacking a Member Rep for WV. If anyone is interested PM me on the OB forums and we can discuss.
Going from North to South by coverage are....
@Team Harrington covering VT, NH and ME
@EscoTerrestrial covering NY, RI and CT
@Chris Jones giving a helping hand in MA for as long as I can keep him here!
@Wawa Skittletits covering PA and NJ
@NovaBound covering DE, MD and VA
These guys have been a HUGE help in the forums and on the FB group. Their local knowledge and experience helps me direct the region and they give me the "boots on the ground" resources in each area that I need to help YOU the OB Members!
Take a second, say hi, give them a big thank you and show them your support!
In case you noticed I am lacking a Member Rep for WV. If anyone is interested PM me on the OB forums and we can discuss.