Southern Africa Epic

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Saar Ben-Attar

Rank I
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Traveler I

My adventure into the back country routes of Southern Africa begins just over a week from now - in South-Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and, if we're lucky, a bit of the beautiful, shy country of Malawi...

Almost everything is ready and packed, new AT tyres fitted today, can't wait:)
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Rank V
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Sonoma County, CA
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Sounds fantastic, please take some pics to share here when you get back!

We'll be looking forward to seeing what you get up to...


Rank V
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Off-Road Ranger I

Pleasant View, UT, USA
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I'd like to see some pics of your rig ready to go!
Did you do a prep thread anywhere? That's quite a trip.

Good luck, bon voyage, etc., have a great time! Lot's of pics for those of us that have to live Africa vicariously!


Saar Ben-Attar

Rank I
Launch Member

Traveler I

Hi t
I'd like to see some pics of your rig ready to go!
Did you do a prep thread anywhere? That's quite a trip.

Good luck, bon voyage, etc., have a great time! Lot's of pics for those of us that have to live Africa vicariously!

Hi there, it's now about halfway through our adventure. My wife Elit joined me for the past eight days in the beach town of Vilancolus. The diving here is one of the best I have ever seen, very relaxed setting. On Thursday, I head north towards Mount Gorongoza and the Zambezi river. A few pictures of the first half the trip are below...
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Saar Ben-Attar

Rank I
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Traveler I

All trips out of the city begin with something like this....I went through seven toll-gates on my way to the Kruger National Park today. I wish I could see maintenance done with our hard-earned tax money to the N1 highway north of Makhado (Louis Trichart), this main artery to our northerly Neighbour (Zim.) is beginning to fall apart. We will feel the pain of yet another missed opportunity in a few years' time.[/QUOTE]


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Saar Ben-Attar

Rank I
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Traveler I

On the banks of the Limpopo river, had a nice dinner with Richard and hid two kids, who are on their way to Zimbabwe. Richard's sister, Sara, is is a very active member of DriveMoz, answering the many questions of this 30 000-strong community of fellow travelers.

The quiet nature of this place is noticeable. In the water below us are Hippos and Crocodiles, above is a stretch of the Milky Way, undisturbed by city light. Far away from modern civilization...
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Saar Ben-Attar

Rank I
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Traveler I

The long sand road from the edge of the Kruger National Park (Pafuri) to Vilanculos is a wild and remote experience - long stretches of sand roads with no apparent purpose, small villages in the middle of nowhere and great Baobab trees...


Saar Ben-Attar

Rank I
Launch Member

Traveler I

IMG_2345.JPG IMG_2348.JPG IMG_2351.JPG

A beautiful holiday time in Vilonculos and the Bazzaruto Archipelego. Some of the best diving spots I have ever seen, dolphins swimming close by in the lagoon and desert islands to explore...
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Saar Ben-Attar

Rank I
Launch Member

Traveler I

Mount Gorongosa - the dominant feature in this region of Moz., it decides the climate, rainfall and being the source of four rivers who replenish the Gorongosa National Park. It is also the headquarters of Renamo, the Mozambiquan opposition and former rebels (with a dubious human rights record), so it is out of bounds for tourists. What a pity...


Saar Ben-Attar

Rank I
Launch Member

Traveler I

The next day we arrived at the mighty Zambezi river. It is so wide in places, one must see it get a sense of its might. Two things are immeduateky apparent when you get here:
1) It's reallly hot and humid - already 34C/93F at 10h30 in the morning with close to 100% humidity; and
2) For every person, there are many flies...and they want to keep close and personal!

I can just imagine what it must have been like for those living here in the 1800's.


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