Mobile GPS/data/winlink/etc integration

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Traveler I

I made this thread because I’m getting a migraine from all the search windows I have open.

If you want to partake in data or some of the more niche HAM activities, you just absolutely need a laptop for mobility. If you want it accessible in your vehicle, you need a mounting solution.

However, if you want to run a large, effective, and versatile GPS solution for apps like Gaia, you need an iPad or tablet, and GPS adapter either attached or external.

With just those 2 items, you’re already hurting for real estate. Now add mobile radios, cb’s for comms with plebeians (I kid), GoPro, lighting switches....

Any hardcore hams here have solutions? I would say just throw everything on laptop, but finding a decent way for positional navigation on one has been a bit tough.


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For GPS and data (APRS, PSK, RTTY) I use an Android tablet and and it works fine. The only external device needed is the TNC to connect the tablet to the radio.
As far as Winlink a computer or a windows tablet would be needed there. I guess two different tablets is better than a laptop.


Rank 0

Traveler I

Wow. Honestly, in my data noobness, I had not realized psk and rtty could be done via android. Or that you could get a tablet with internal gps. That combines everything pretty well.

I guess I should’ve stopped looking for solutions on the Apple bandwagon.
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For tablet with internal GPS just get one with “LTE” built in. You do not need to have a sim card in the tablet for the GPS chip to work