General Covid-19 Forest Service Closures

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Kent R

OB Executive Director
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Pathfinder III

El Dorado, Ca
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Retired Firefighter
All the 154 National Forest have slightly different Covid -19 closures/restrictions, a quick sampling across the county shows that most forest have closed designated camping and parking areas until April 30, 2020. Some have extended that closure until September 30, 2020.

Area(s): Quebrada Grande Recreation Area, Carr. 191 North - La Mina Recreational Corridor, Baño De Oro Trail, Baño Grande, Baño de Oro, Big Tree Trail, Caimitillo Recreation Area, Caimitillo Trail, El Portal Trail, El Portal Visitors Center, El Yunque Rock, El Yunque Trail, Juan Diego, La Coca Falls, La Coca Trail, La Mina Trail, Las Cabezas Observation Point, Los Picachos, Mt Britton Trail and Tower, Mt. Britton Spur / FS 10, Palo Colorado Information Center, Portalito HUB: Palmer Visitor Center, Sierra Palm Picnic Area, Tradewinds Trail, Yokahú Tower, Carr. 191 South - Naguabo, Río Sabana Recreation Area, Río Sabana Trail, Carr. 988 - Luquillo, Angelito Trail, Puente Roto Recreation Area

Date(s): Mar 20, 2020

El Yunque National Forest is following USDA operational guidelines, health guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and the Governor of Puerto Rico’s Executive order 2020-023, signed on March 15, 2020, which includes an evening curfew and limiting daytime activities to essential services for food, fuel, banking and medical services.
In response to this guidance the following recreation areas and facilities are closed:
  • La Mina Recreation Area (Road 191 North)
  • Angelito Trail/ Puente Roto (Road 988)
  • Portalito Palmer
By closing these recreation sites and facilities, the Forest Service is taking necessary measures to safeguard health of employees and the public. Health and safety of employees and nearby communities is our top priority at the USDA Forest Service. For the most current and accurate information, contact local health officials or visit the CDC website.

If you plan on going to a specific forest this summer please check the individual forest orders for current restrictions.

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