Europe Trails

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Robert OB 33/48

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Hello folks,

As it aint so easy to give you the trails here in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe, I am happy to show you folks around when needed.
I have around 15 routes through the Netherlands, about 2 or 3 in Belgium, 2 or 3 in Germany near Berlin,
Some in Rumania, some in northern France and also some in Wales.

Just give me a PM and we get rolling.

Greetings from Robert
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Tell me more about Germany please. Its been a dream to get out there for Oktoberfest and then hit historic sites. Why not add some trailing too?

Robert OB 33/48

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Hello Murph,

Trailing in Germany isnt that easy, this because of the forest laws they have there. So, there are some little areas where you can go.
I have a two or three day of "laning" near Berlin. But, in the Netherlands I have plenty routes to show you around for several days.
With some routes in the north of France, around Verdun (the place of WW1) you can see and drive around two to three weeks.

As laning in Europe isnt that easy, I recommend to drive with organized tours. Which are very expensive. And they do mostly just or laning or sightseeing.
I do both. And I do it for fun.

What can I offer in your case.
1. you fly out to Munchen and do the Octoberfest. After you are sober again, heheh you fly out to Berlin.
2. You see Berlin, with the Brandenburger Tor and such. One day should be ok.
3. Then, depending on what you want, we meet and have a trip of two/three days around Berlin. Think we can see the site where the V1 and V2 were build and launched.
4. You fly out to Paris and see Paris.
5. We meet up again and do Verdun and the Maginot line. This will take a week I guess. Seeing all things and such.
6. Then we drive to the Netherlands, we do a tour in the south of Holland, and visiting Arnhem ( Operation Markete Garden ) and then I bring you to Amsterdam. You visit that and fly out from Schiphol Airport back home.

I think you need a 3 week holiday for that.

Costs? Depending what you want.
Think my expenses. fuel, sleep and food. And you can drive with me.
If you like to drive yourself, I need to find rental 4x4's. In Holland I have a company that I know who does so.
If you like to drive all over Europe. You arrive at Amsterdam. I will take care about the car, it will be ready for you to pick up. including camping gear.
We drive to Berlin, go around, we drive to the Octoberfest, doing some nice routes and go to France. Doing Verdun and Paris and we heading back to the Netherlands, some laning again and we bring back the car, visit Amsterdam and you fly home.

Like I said, driving on your own will bring you nowhere near laning in Europe.
If you want to go to Wales, well that is something which is great as well, including English Historics. I can arrange that as well.

Greetings from Robert


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appreciate the info, maybe regular campsite camping may do but I probably wont make it out for some time. I sadly no longer qualify for the child airfare rates anymore lol.

Robert OB 33/48

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Dont worry, not leaving europe in the next years. We can talk about all kind of ways to do europe. Just tell me what you like and can afford. (personal message)
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Robert OB 33/48

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Hallo, ik geef geen routes uit. Maar ben zeker bereid om mensen tijdens onze ritten mee te nemen.
Ik rijd de route voor en we rijden samen de route.

Dit doe ik om ervoor te zorgen dat de routes niet wijd verspreid worden en door Jan en alleman zomaar gereden worden.
Helaas is niet iedereen voorzichtig genoeg in de omgang met natuur, medemens en dieren.

Mocht je interesse hebben in een rit/event, kijk dan hier bij Rally points, of in de Mid Europe section, of op Dragonriders Travel op Facebook.

Groet van Robert
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