US East Central NH Rigs and Brew (finally)

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RJ Howell

Rank V
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Influencer II

Auburn, NH USA
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I marked it as going and do believe we will be there, even on if on our way back from a run. I ran up the coastline of Maine and found that above Bar Harbor is where life gets more interesting, at least in my mind. It's still mostly tarred roads, but there's more to be explored, found, enjoyed. There is something about the seacoast and it's coolness (temp and otherwise) during the summer. I will go back and dig in deeper as summer continues.

I have a couple of items to work on/update/ okay... improve on the truck/camper and most will happen this week. That puts me to explore again the following. I figure to run the Flatlander Route as far as I can then branch out.. There is an interesting run that works north NHWM into Maine and back into NH in Pittsburg. I think I'm going to try it in reverse as in starting in Pittsburg and working south. I know Pittsburg fairly well and it's a route I think a Moto-Sport could do (blocked). I just can't remember the particular road and my maps/notes are packed away.. I just want to explore it. If it works, I could have a heck of an story to tell ya'll.

Destination last run was the Eastern most point of the contiguous US! Yup in Maine!
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