Recent content by CalicoJack703

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  1. CalicoJack703

    Arizona Overlanders

    Graeman, I've only had a chance to use it on a brief trip to Valley of the Gods/Moab back in December. But I love it so far. It's only a two person and fits pretty perfectly on the rack. Doesn't seem like its affected the handling characteristics too much but I am always mindful of the 100...
  2. CalicoJack703

    Arizona Overlanders

    Lads, Finally got the Jeep back from the stealership. Just joined OB and it's been 2 months since I've gone camping. Is there anything coming up? Work will let me take me off whenever I want really so I'm good for just about anything. I'm hoping to hit EJS in Moab this year or Mojave Road since...
  3. CalicoJack703

    From the Sonoran High Desert

    Finally got around to getting a membership! Little bit about me, I bought a 2 Door JK fresh off deployment in 2012 when I first found out about overlanding. Dream goal was to eventually move to Arizona and get the RTT and set out for adventures. Mostly did some light offroading/camping in the...