Influencer III
Join us to start 2023 right! We'll meet near the southern start entrance of Rampart range road head in and explore some moderate to moderate+ trails.
Influencer III
Trail Blazer III
Influencer III
Hey Brian,Maybe... Weather is looking iffy and we may have trouble getting there. If we can go, could we meet in Woodland Park since we would be coming from the west on US24 anyway?
Trail Blazer III
Will let you know ASAP!Hey Brian,
If y'all are able to make it just let me know as soon as you can, we could absolutely meet y'all in woodland park, easy enough to pick up the rampart range area off of it. I'll probably still have the group meet in Co Springs since its a little easier for coordination but would get there around 945-10ish.
Trail Blazer III
Influencer III
I'm not terribly familiar with the area so I'll meet you wherever you think makes the most sense !I'll be there. Should I meet you at the Rainbow Trail OHV trailhead or somewhere in Woodland Park?
Influencer III
Actually since we are going to be heading up 24 woodland park would be the earliest meet up pointI'm not terribly familiar with the area so I'll meet you wherever you think makes the most sense !I'll be there. Should I meet you at the Rainbow Trail OHV trailhead or somewhere in Woodland Park?
Trail Blazer III
Ok, just say where.Actually since we are going to be heading up 24 woodland park would be the earliest meet up pointI'm not terribly familiar with the area so I'll meet you wherever you think makes the most sense !I'll be there. Should I meet you at the Rainbow Trail OHV trailhead or somewhere in Woodland Park?
Influencer III
Trail Blazer III
Influencer I