Pathfinder I
It was such a blast attending OB OTG event and I know a lot of you jokingly questioned my Subaru making it up the mountain. One thing about Subaru owners is that we are always having to "prove" ourselves to the offroading masses on how capable these rigs are. The jokes and Subaru low blows just get a little old after a while. So I wanted to give you guys a little taste how the Pacific NW Subaru guys wheel offroad. This isn't some new phenomenon its been going on for quite a while now. The OTG event was amazing and I received nothing but love from you guys making it up the mountain but it was really just another day for me at the office so to speak and it definitely wasn't my first rodeo. I am in the process of working on a full length video from the Bald Mountain trail ride from my gopro footage and will have it posted up soon, in the meantime enjoy the video of some badass Subarus.