Special Needs

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Rob G

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Do any of you Overland with your Special Needs children or Adults? If so how is it working out? I have a 20 year old Special Needs daughter and really want to get her out but am hesitant.


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Off-Road Ranger I

Arlington, WA, USA
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Hey Rob. I have two adult children with special needs. While both of them will participate in short ventures into nature, neither tolerates anything overnight or longer. But every child is different, so I highly recommend trying it with your daughter. My wife works with special needs children for a living, so here are a few suggestions:

  • Routines are important! If you currently have a routine, maintain as much of it as you can.
  • Frontload your daughter's concepts with what to expect. This means starting several weeks in advance with talking about what you will be doing and how the routine will change.
    Start with short trips close to home.
  • Bring along things that will help her to feel comfortable and safe.
  • Be ready and willing to pack it up and head home.
If you need anything, don't hesitate to send me a message @Jedi or brian@overlandbound.com.

Rob G

Rank I
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Traveler I

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Thank you Jedi. All very good info. She love to canoe and play with the water. So my goal is to find a place close just as you suggested and give it a shot. Thanks again for all your input. We should try a group outing sometime.