Build/activities thread: 1989 Raider, 2010 Sequoia, and my other stuff.

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With new coil, distributor/cap, fuel pump and primer switch.....STILL hard starting, and worse now that it's really cold. So I guess the next thing on the checklist from the symptoms is injectors (since it still seems like they're leaking causing too rich mix in the cylinder until it clears out). If that doesn't work, will troubleshoot further. So, ordered up some injectors. But then we had this "big" snowstorm (got about 10", which is paralysis in this area). So it was cold and snowy and I spent two days shoveling, snow blowing, etc. I did get the Raider out in the snow for a bit, nothing difficult at this depth but it did fine, and of course too, a few snow was only about 5" at the time, between two bands, so pretty wimpy looking lol.

And I jury-rigged the hitch with a strap and towed my snowblower across the neighborhood to do my in-laws' driveway and sidewalk, which worked out fine but got some odd looks from people I drove by who were shoveling or whatever...

Oh, and tonight the injectors made it here...

Supposed to be cold AF for the next week or two, and the garage is double-occupied, so we'll see if I want to do the injectors and freeze my butt off (spoiler: if you read this thread, you know I'll just do it anyways because I have no patience...)
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So yeah, it got cold...

Not doing this stuff outside with the cold expected to go on for a couple weeks, so had to do some vehicle rearranging. The rallycar is out of action at the moment (fuel pump) and that side of the garage has an overhead rack that's too low to fit the Raider, so the Porsche had to come out and brave the weather. It had been sitting for a month and the battery was totally dead (gotta chase a drain, I guess....) to the point my jump pack wouldn't start it. So had to push it out manually and jump it off the Raider and then move it to the Raider's usual parking spot. Then to get the Raider into the garage I once again had to air down the tires to about 15psi (the roof boxes clear by about 1/2" that way lol). But all switched up...

a bit snug in here, though the Raider is so short in length there's actually about 6 feet of space in front of it (the Porsche is actually LONGER)

So, got into the engine, taking stuff apart and pulled the intake manifold to get to the fuel rail. Two of my plug wires separated the spark plug, so guess I'll be replacing those with some better ones. I pulled the plugs and they all look normal other than one that had the threads suspiciously wet and gassy-smelling, so hopefully this whole injector swap is the correct track to fix the hard starting. I'll put in new plugs while I'm there.

The old injectors. I honestly can't recall if I got these new/refurb when I first did this build. I guess I could look back in the thread but that seems like a lot of work for no reason.

Interestingly, the new ones have a thicker nozzle and more of a "fan" spray pattern. Unsure what that means...they both have the same part number on the casing, so who knows. The new ones fit just fine though.

So, shiny stuff in. I'm also replacing the FPR while I'm there, since it's pretty cheap and hard to access if that turns out to be the problem.

It also gave me the opportunity to check other stuff. I had noticed a small amount of coolant-like residue near the thermostat housing, and turns out both bolts for it had loosened up a bit so tightened them down. Also the bracket for the oil dipstick was way loose so cranked that bolt down as well (it's HARD to access with the engine in the vehicle, incidentally). And checked all my hard-to-access hose clamps for the heater hoses and such. Also found this:

This is one of the three plugs that go into the coolant block/thermostat area. I forget which of them is the ECU coolant temp, gauge, etc. I wonder how long this ground wire for it has been broken and if it has any negative effects. Anyhow, I spliced in some new wire and it's fixed now.

So as I wait for the new plugs/wires/IM gaskets to come in, a few other things. I got a larger medical pouch for the molle panel on the "door" in the back that fits my medkit and some additional items I want to add into there. Also did a bit of rearranging of some of the other molle stuff to make things easier to access.

I've also been looking for better cooking gear. I'm not much of a chef, but the pots/pans/utensils I have are mostly just crap leftover from the house kitchen or wal-mart, and the stove is just the cheapo Ozark Trail one form walmart. It' works, but it's cheap-feeling, rattly, and pretty low output in terms of BTUs. So I did some research and decided on a Camp Chef Everest, based on what I've read on the forums being a good one for a good price. I was about to buy it online but decided to check FB Marketplace real quick and it turned out someone about 20 minutes from me had one listed and available BRAND NEW for half the Amazon price. Apparently she got it for camping but never used it because it was too big to fit in their camper (??). Well, it's not too big for the little Raider, so I ran out and scooped it up tonight. Definitely bigger than the Ozark one, but not too huge. Also feels very nicely built and I like the lid lockdowns that double as locks for the wind wings. Naturally, it has a different input thread for the gas line than the Ozark one, so my regulated line for my 5lb tank doesn't fit :/ Why can't these companies just use a standard fitting already??? Talking to you Jetboil and Camp Chef lol...

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Also searching for some better nesting pots/pans, utensils, and such. I don't like how my cooking kit packs out - badly-fitting stuff and not very good stuff taking up too much space. So we'll fix that going forward.....
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So yeah, it got cold...

Not doing this stuff outside with the cold expected to go on for a couple weeks, so had to do some vehicle rearranging. The rallycar is out of action at the moment (fuel pump) and that side of the garage has an overhead rack that's too low to fit the Raider, so the Porsche had to come out and brave the weather. It had been sitting for a month and the battery was totally dead (gotta chase a drain, I guess....) to the point my jump pack wouldn't start it. So had to push it out manually and jump it off the Raider and then move it to the Raider's usual parking spot. Then to get the Raider into the garage I once again had to air down the tires to about 15psi (the roof boxes clear by about 1/2" that way lol). But all switched up...

a bit snug in here, though the Raider is so short in length there's actually about 6 feet of space in front of it (the Porsche is actually LONGER)

So, got into the engine, taking stuff apart and pulled the intake manifold to get to the fuel rail. Two of my plug wires separated the spark plug, so guess I'll be replacing those with some better ones. I pulled the plugs and they all look normal other than one that had the threads suspiciously wet and gassy-smelling, so hopefully this whole injector swap is the correct track to fix the hard starting. I'll put in new plugs while I'm there.

The old injectors. I honestly can't recall if I got these new/refurb when I first did this build. I guess I could look back in the thread but that seems like a lot of work for no reason.

Interestingly, the new ones have a thicker nozzle and more of a "fan" spray pattern. Unsure what that means...they both have the same part number on the casing, so who knows. The new ones fit just fine though.

So, shiny stuff in. I'm also replacing the FPR while I'm there, since it's pretty cheap and hard to access if that turns out to be the problem.

It also gave me the opportunity to check other stuff. I had noticed a small amount of coolant-like residue near the thermostat housing, and turns out both bolts for it had loosened up a bit so tightened them down. Also the bracket for the oil dipstick was way loose so cranked that bolt down as well (it's HARD to access with the engine in the vehicle, incidentally). And checked all my hard-to-access hose clamps for the heater hoses and such. Also found this:

This is one of the three plugs that go into the coolant block/thermostat area. I forget which of them is the ECU coolant temp, gauge, etc. I wonder how long this ground wire for it has been broken and if it has any negative effects. Anyhow, I spliced in some new wire and it's fixed now.

So as I wait for the new plugs/wires/IM gaskets to come in, a few other things. I got a larger medical pouch for the molle panel on the "door" in the back that fits my medkit and some additional items I want to add into there. Also did a bit of rearranging of some of the other molle stuff to make things easier to access.

I've also been looking for better cooking gear. I'm not much of a chef, but the pots/pans/utensils I have are mostly just crap leftover from the house kitchen or wal-mart, and the stove is just the cheapo Ozark Trail one form walmart. It' works, but it's cheap-feeling, rattly, and pretty low output in terms of BTUs. So I did some research and decided on a Camp Chef Everest, based on what I've read on the forums being a good one for a good price. I was about to buy it online but decided to check FB Marketplace real quick and it turned out someone about 20 minutes from me had one listed and available BRAND NEW for half the Amazon price. Apparently she got it for camping but never used it because it was too big to fit in their camper (??). Well, it's not too big for the little Raider, so I ran out and scooped it up tonight. Definitely bigger than the Ozark one, but not too huge. Also feels very nicely built and I like the lid lockdowns that double as locks for the wind wings. Naturally, it has a different input thread for the gas line than the Ozark one, so my regulated line for my 5lb tank doesn't fit :/ Why can't these companies just use a standard fitting already??? Talking to you Jetboil and Camp Chef lol...

Dog approves

Also searching for some better nesting pots/pans, utensils, and such. I don't like how my cooking kit packs out - badly-fitting stuff and not very good stuff taking up too much space. So we'll fix that going forward.....
FYI, Bass Pro sells a nice padded bag to carry/protect your Camo Chef stove for $20. It keeps mine from getting beat up.


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Fairfax County, VA, USA
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I had expected to get plugs, wires, and a few other things from RockAuto today to put everything back together. Thought it was odd no "your shipment arrives today" notification and couldn't find a shipping email in my box. Went back to the RA page and found it was still on the checkout screen from 5 days ago, so I didn't hit "pay" button. So that's annoying (not the first time I've done this....) and now I'm waiting until Friday for parts hah.

I spent a bit of time shortening my winch wires. The winch came with long wires and when I installed I didn't have any large butt connectors/crimps so just coiled them up around the intake tube and kind of forgot about them. With the intake out at the moment, no time better to cut 18" out of them and "right length" them now that I do have large connectors. So did that (no pics, it's not exciting).

Well, no RockAuto, but I did get the first of a few things I ordered for my camp kitchen. As noted before, my kitchen gear so far has been crappy cheap pans and cooking utensils from walmart, which all kind of suck (both in usage and in packing). After a bunch of research and getting opinions of people on Overland Bound forum, still a lot of choices. In the end, for pots/pans I got a Stanley nesting set that comes with 4 plates/4 bows and some utensils. Not too expensive, stainless, lifetime warranty, and had several people suggest them as good for a budget. So they arrived today, and I'm pretty happy with the size of the set nested

Here's the layout.

The frying pan has a pretty thick base and feels like "home quality" and the folding handle seems very sturdy. The pot is nice, definitely lighter base but should be fine for boiling stuff, etc. The bowls and plates are nothign special, but are a decent size and should be fine. The plates feel like a Frisbee. The "Spork" utensil has a fork on one end and spoon on the other that connect with a tab and split to fit inside the nest. They seem fine, but the disconnect is tight and kind of annoying. The two larger utensils have similar setup but are easier and reasonably nice.

I will probably have some secondhand wood and stainless stuff to put in the kit eventually but will keep these in there as well. So that's it for the moment; I know, not that exciting.
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Another cold-ass day, a few other little things until I can put the engine back together.

So I do have a 5lb propane tank to take for longer trips, but sometimes it's just more convenient to have a 1lb if I just want to make some hot water or something small and don't want to hook up the larger tank. I don't like having 1lb cans just stuffed in wherever they fit, and came across this double-can 3D printed "rack" for them (on Amazon, but independent seller). It was pretty inexpensive so figured I'd give it a try, and it came in today. Overall, nice quality, great fit and a nice design

I mounted it up on the little swing-out door (where my Jetboil now lives) for easy access just high enough to get my footlocker out beneath it. So, it's pretty much out of the way, does the job, and uses space that nothing else really uses anyhow.


On the kitchen end of things, I ordered a Kelty kitchen bag that seemed to be the size, setup I wanted, and it came in today too. There are some cheaper knockoff one on Amazon, but this one seems to be built pretty well and has a lifetime warranty on it I think, and looks pretty nice.

It folds out so it can hang off a rack or whatever when cooking

I think it'll work great, but then I got distracted by my really annoying coffee box, which is totally inconvenient and I have to unload half of it to get to stuff I need.

Hey, let's see how the coffee stuff fits into the Kelty bag....

hmm...that actually works really well and makes all the coffee stuff easily accessible. So yeah, I'm gonna use it for that and order the other (slightly smaller) Kelty kitchen bag as well. I think the coffee stuff will actually fit in the smaller one and I'll use this one for cooking stuff. Or vice versa, TBD.


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So, my stuff from RockAuto came in so time to get the engine back together. Immediate problem.

They sent the wrong gasket kit for the IM. The part number is actually correct for this vehicle, so Fel-Pro is probabaly in the wrong here, not RA. Luckily, the old one was still in good shape so I just put a bit of RTV red on it and re-used it. Anyhow, got everything assembled, including new plugs, new wires, new PCV (while I was in there), all back together, then went to start it up, expecting it to just come to life didn't. Cranked, and cranked, I could hear it trying to fire. Eventually it fired up and......was misfiring badly. Like, barely staying running. WTF.....

Turned it off, checked the order of the plug wires (correct), checked that they were seated well (yes), triple-checked everything else was hooked back dice. Then I pulled the plugs to check if I was getting ignition/combustion.

Hmm.....three of the six look like nothing is fuel. They were all sparking when tested. So now I think i got half a batch of bad new injectors, but that seems extremely unlikely. So maybe I broke some of the old wires in the harness while taking stuff apart? Either way, I have to take the IM and everything apart again to do that, grr. First I figure I'll check the plug for the one injector I can actually get to that wasn't firing....... now keep in mind, I cleaned up all the injector plugs/contacts and may have made an error regarding use of dielectric grease. I use that stuff on all the connectors on the 1985 rally car (e30) but those are tight German connectors. So I'm thinking maybe these not-German old mitusbishi connectors aren't as snug, and aren't wiping the grease when plugged. So I clean that one plug out well, and then use a little pick to bend in the contact surfaces for a tighter fit. I plug it back in and try the car. It stumbles to life again, still misfiring, but definitely LESS misfiring (like, 2 cylinders instead of 3). So that seemed like the solution. Took everything apart, pulled all the connectors, and cleaned/re-bent them like the other one. Plug it all back in, put it all back together, and after a few cranks it fires right up again. So that did the trick.

Now, that was last night. This morning I decided to test if it was starting quickly - since all this was due to perceived leaky injector or whatever. The answer is NO. I had to crank it for about 5-10 seconds before it came to life, which seems a lot like what the problem was previously. So I'm at a bit of a loss here now. Everything in the fuel system is new. New coil, plugs, wires. Did a smoke test and no vac leak. The only thing I haven't replaced is the little "ignitor" maybe that's the culprit? THough again, engine runs perfectly once started. So may have to trouble shoot some more.

Oh....and while doing the rear plug on the driver's side, I leaned into the brake master reservoir (36 years old...) and it literally cracked across half of it...

Love that brittle plastic. Guess better to do it here than on the trail, so I have a new one on the way.

- also, my second Kelty kitchen bag came in. This one is the "not Deluxe" one which is only 10 bucks less. It's not as nice, and definitely not as large (which I'm surprised at, a bit), but should be fine for my limited cooking utensils, plates, etc.

It actually fits better in my cooking footlocker anyhow. The coffee one will live outside the box for quicker access :)

and just a quick follow-up, the new brake master/reservoir arrived. It's identical to the old one so that's good, because it meant I didn't change the master itself since no air got into the system, I just changed out the reservoir itself. So, I think the rig should be back in action now.

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With it down in the teens-20s today, the Raider was REALLY hard to start. Like, took a good 30 seconds of cranking. Once started, ran fine, and started up instantly after I was in the store for 15 minutes. Clearly it's not about an issue in the fuel/ignition hardware at this point, and the most likely culprit is the system that tells the ECU the coolant temperature when cold so it can change the fuel map. Oddly, this is the same sensor that had the broken wire on it that I fixed a few posts up. Maybe it's been broken for a while but it didn't matter until it started actually getting cold out. But fixing the wire didn't do anything, so there are three things in the system that could be the issue: the ECU, the sensor, or the wiring itself. The wiring is a tough one so not starting there. I have a spare ECU, so plugged that in and it made no ruled out. I'm searching for the spare sensor I have (or will order one today if I can't find it), and will try that. If not, then will start tracing wires......


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Fairfax County, VA, USA
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so, replaced the coolant temp sensor: no change
swapped out my spare ECU: no change
tested the wiring from the coolant sensor to the ECU: good continuity from what I can tell.
tried with various things unplugged to try to limp mode it (MAF, IACV, temp sensor): nope
removed and cleaned IACV: no change
removed and cleaned MAF: no change
replaced MAF with a new one: no change
checked more plugs, examined more wires: nothing noticeable of concern
at this point the only actual components left that I could possibly replace are the ignitor and the crank position sensor - and I can't see how either of those would work or not work depending on engine temperature or ambient temperature (independent of some other issue).

So it's probably down to a bad wire or something at this point. The next test may be to run a separate pair of wires directly from the sensor to the ECU pinouts and see if that helps. Otherwise, I'm pretty juch out of ideas and may just have to deal with long cranking times when it's cold - since it always starts eventually, and then runs fine until being shutdown overnight again. That's annoying AF but not the end of the world, as I'm pretty much over throwing more money at the problem.

On the upside, have a trip planned for a few days with some friends later in the month so it'll be nice to get back out into the woods and do some camping.
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today figured maybe I'd splice in a few extra grounds to various things with the idea that maybe a bad ground is causing stuff. Plan was to start with the coolant temp sensor, but got distracted as I noticed (again) that my thermostat housing was wet around the base. I've noticed this before but wrote it off to water from rain/snow or whatever, and snugged the (loose) bolts down thinking that would take care of it, but still leaking. So I pulled it off and immediately noticed the housing was cracked partly by one of the bolts. I thought about just JB welding it but housings are dirt-cheap (like $12) so just ordered a new one (and gasket/thermostat). A little part of me thinks "well, that leak is right next to the coolant temp sensor so maybe that was affecting something" but that seems highly wishful thinking lol.....

So so far I've not managed to fix the original issue, but had to replace the brake MC and the thermo housing (and alot of other things that didn't need replacing). So yeah, not exactly what I had hoped for lol.
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the Vulture
@irish44j This thread keeps me coming back to OB in the off season. I like small-scale builds and yours is very sophisticated, every thing purpose-designed, clean and tidy. Detailing the troubleshooting process on the forum might be boring to you at times, but nerds like me enjoy following the progress while we do our own maintenance. Keep chasin' it, eventually you'll get to the problem.

And your rally stuff is rad. Some day I hope to build a speed car, may be after I retire.
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Fairfax County, VA, USA
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@irish44j This thread keeps me coming back to OB in the off season. I like small-scale builds and yours is very sophisticated, every thing purpose-designed, clean and tidy. Detailing the troubleshooting process on the forum might be boring to you at times, but nerds like me enjoy following the progress while we do our own maintenance. Keep chasin' it, eventually you'll get to the problem.

And your rally stuff is rad. Some day I hope to build a speed car, may be after I retire.
lol thanks, hopefully I'll eventually have a solution to the boring troubleshooting stuff. This truck has been totally reliable since I first built it, so I'm not used to frustrations with it lol, even if this one is fairly minor since it always starts eventually.

it's funny it happened recently, since I had just been thinking "hmm, I can't think of much else to do on this rig at the moment" :P

Would eventually like to do some more things to the rig as well as some more adventurous trips farther from home, but I'm a federal employee so for the moment kind of in a holding pattern when it comes to spending money, etc. until there's a bit more clarity on how things are gonna shake out around here. Which is annoying, because I like to spend money on cars haha....

-- the rally stuff is fun, though I'm dialing it back a bit (lost two friends in the sport over the last two years so that kind of reduced my enthusiasm for it). And it's REALLY expensive compared to wheeling/camping. Two rally weekends (towing + entry + lodging) probably costs more than everything I've ever spent on the Raider. Build a speed car for track stuff, it's way more affordable :)