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  1. Crocus

    Quick Salton Sea and Joshua Tree trip

    I am laughing from some pics actually... But others gave creeps to my skin. Some places are looked familiar and abandoned at the same time. Especially an abandoned house with a rusty chair on the roof. It reminds me about a story when I my husband worked as a captain in one dubai marina rental...
  2. Crocus

    Overland Bound Wallpaper

    I have the one that I will attach to my message. Just like drifting (and cool cars, yes). Downloaded it today from an online library Drifting Wallpapers: 4K, HD, 1920x1080 Phone & Desktop Backgrounds and I am really happy. Hope in one day will take my part in a drifting race, jajaja
  3. Crocus

    Relocating to the Columbus area.

    These guys used to scum me when I was planning my Moving from Houston to Chicago. Hopefully, my ex-boyfriend worked in starkmovers Moving from Houston to Chicago | Stark Movers & Storage company and it helped me a lot to relocate my stuff. These muraways are... too advertised, let's say.
  4. Crocus

    Let them eat SPAM!

    Poor gator... How did it taste though?