Recent content by agent00111

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  1. agent00111

    James Baroud Evo Rain fly entrance?

    I’m super happy with my JB RTT and use it all the time. Not really a lot to complain about, it has served me and my family very well on trips. The one problem we do run into is when it rains. It’s been perfectly rainproof once we’re inside, but we have no good way of entering/exiting the RTT...
  2. agent00111

    Overlanding with "stock" 4X4

    I’d rather you just get out there with stock, versus spending money (and time) on upgrades. I think my funnest year with my jeep Rubicon was the first year when it was stock. Sure, I got stuck a couple of times, but I really appreciate what a stock rubicon can do. Upgrades can come in time. My...
  3. agent00111

    Must have food items

    Seems like this thread is going a different direction than intended, but with that said I think I'll need to investigate Rebecca Creek.
  4. agent00111

    Must have food items

    Buffalo Trace bourbon and pistachio nuts. Pairs well with sunsets. I store the bourbon in Stillhouse whiskey metal cans so I don't have to worry about glass, plus the Stillhouse cans pack well in my kitchen setup. Pistachio nuts are stored in snack size ziplock bags which are stored in a...
  5. agent00111

    Big Bear, CA labor day weekend dispersed campsites?

    Some good dispersed camping over labor day weekend in Big Bear. I stayed away from the common jeep trails (one group I saw said that those trails were all jammed up over the weekend) and took to the off-trails. It was surprisingly uncrowded and quiet. 2N10 (south of Big Bear Lake, behind Snow...
  6. agent00111

    Big Bear, CA labor day weekend dispersed campsites?

    I'm heading up to Big Bear tomorrow, we're just going to wing it for dispersed camping. Be sure to get your fire permit for stoves, it's an easy online process: Prevent Wild Fire | Campfire Permit. Half of the adventure is not knowin' where you're goin'. No yellow sites means no campfires but I...
  7. agent00111

    Ratchet / Sockets ...

    I was at Overland Expo West this year and I was missing a 13mm ratchet wrench to reposition my roof top tent. The nice folks from the Tekton Tool booth where super nice and let me borrow one of theirs for the day. I was impressed enough with it that I bought a set of ratchet wrenches when I got...
  8. agent00111

    Insulated Blanket Inlieu of Sleeping Bag

    I keep a down comforter (for a queen size bed) in my RTT most all of the time. I've used that down to the teens just fine. A lot depends on what insulation you will have underneath you: if you have mattress foam in your RTT that helps a lot. On really cold nights I will boil water and put it in...
  9. agent00111

    Raptor batwing wing 270.. Who has one??

    I was able to get one of the Kinsmen awnings at Overland West. Based on my set up I couldn't do the AluCab without re-working my Pioneer platform or moving my James Baroud RTT over a bit due to the mounts. Kinsmen awning is a beast: fast to set up and take down and is very wind stable without...
  10. agent00111

    Keeping things organized

    I think rig organization is something I'm always working on. I've read Marie Kondo's book, and I officially can fold underwear now. The best way for me to organize my jeep is to get out on as many trips as possible and when I get home, write down a list of things that were NOT well organized...
  11. agent00111

    SoCal Overlanders Roll Call :)

    Oh, and I'm from San Diego.
  12. agent00111

    SoCal Overlanders Roll Call :)

    Just joined while I was out at Overland Expo West '19. Fun trip, that was my first year attending. Hope my wife doesn't find out how much stuff I bought out there!