remolded tires ?

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Happy Valley, OR, USA
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tread wright has a amazing reputation and have had friends that ran their tires and never had a issue , and they always seem to balance out with minimal weight .


Rank IV

Pathfinder I

I've looked into it before but I didn't find Treadwright to be that much less expensive to justify the trade-off. If you shop the sales on various tire discounters, you can easily get brand new tires for the same price.


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Virginia Beach, VA
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I've looked into it before but I didn't find Treadwright to be that much less expensive to justify the trade-off. If you shop the sales on various tire discounters, you can easily get brand new tires for the same price.
I've run them on pretty much everything I've owned. I've run other stuff too. Never any issues with balancing or failures. I've yet to find a better value when it comes to tires for a 4x4.


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I have run treadwrights before with no issues, but am currently running some imported MTs off of Amazon. Be aware, the TWs are on the heavy side of things, but not absurdly so compared to other E-rated tires.

The only consistent negative thing I ever heard about retreads in general was to not run them at super-low pressures because any minor imperfections from the re-molding process are most likely to be exacerbated by the increased heat and stresses from allowing a lot of tire flexing. But, I have also seen a few articles where folks ran them with beadlocks at 5 PSI with no issues, so those negative impressions might have been very early examples, or a few isolated incidents that got spread around.

However, I can concur that you can also find plenty of imported tires of fine quality for as cheap as, or cheaper than, the TReadwrights. My wife's ride is running some imported ATs that have been fine for the last 30k miles except a modest highway whine, and I am running some imported MTs that I bought at $800/5 tires (shipped), and love them.
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Aaron A.

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La Mesa Ca, Mt Helix
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cool thanks everyone for the info, my buddy runs TW and he commutes 100+ miles everyday to work. he hasn't had any issues. I was thinking about running toyo AT. I have some on my wife's 4runner for over a year and have had zero issues. I was also thinking about BFG's. but when my buddy told me about the TW and how cheap they were I am seriously considering them for my tundra.