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Contributor I
Contributor I
Traveler II
Welcome from WA! Make sure to check out the local region's forums and the Rally Point system for events and meetups. This region (NW) has a FB page as well. @Sandpoint Steve is your local Member Rep, and can answer any questions you may have.Hey everyone my names Chase, I have glanced around the forum and I am looking forward to learning and exploring!
Currently living in Idaho but originally from North Carolina.
I have explored some in my short life so far but I hope with being in Idaho and my new rig I will get out more! Overlanding will be new to me so I look forward to what is ahead!
So my rig is the new 2019 Ford Ranger XLT FX4. I already have a plan for this and hopefully soon it will start to take shape! My name for the truck is Walker Texas Ranger because, well, Chuck Norris. Also my middle name is Walker and it is a Ranger.
(Photo sucks but its all I have currently)
Member I
Hello All:New Members,
Welcome to the Overland Bound community! Please take a few moments to introduce yourself so we can get to know you!
A few things you might want to include in your introduction are:
1) Picture! If you have a rig, we want to see it!
2) Location (General area is fine)
3) Rig (Year, Make, Model, etc.)
4) Overlanding Experience Background (Novice or Experienced, you're welcome here!)
We're glad you've found us and look forward to sharing our adventures with you!
In addition to getting to know you, here are the guideline sent to all Moderators of the forums. It's a natural reflection of our community, and what Overland Bound is all about:
From @administrator
- Overlanding is: "Vehicle Dependent Travel". Nothing else.
- We will not further define "overlanding".
- "Capable" depends on the requirements of the trip, and we take that very seriously.
- You are an Overlander: Overlanding is for everyone who has exploration and adventure in their heart, or, who need to be reinvigorated by connecting with nature. Nature is unforgiving. You must rise to a certain level of personal awareness to survive. Sound right? Overlanding is for you.
- Encourage uncomplicated ventures into the great outdoors. Don't over pack.
- Be prepared, and understand basic requirements. Question folks, to be sure they are aware of what is required. Don't assume.
- Share without reservation, trip locations, and information.
- It doesn't matter what you drive: The only requirement of an Overlander is that the vehicle serves the job required, safely.
- We do not care about make or model.
- We do not engage in "this is better than that" competitions.
- We DO give advice about how to make your vehicle ready for what you need. Share knowledge.
- Humility.
- We respect, fear, and protect nature.
- "I don't know" is a great answer.
- We don’t brag about exploits.
- We seek answers from the community when we don’t know.
- We engage in the very smallest of interactions.
Traveler II
Welcome!Hello All:
Location: Ontario, CA
Rig: 2002 Ford Excursion
Experience: Novice
My family and I enjoy being outdoors; going on hikes, bike riding, etc. So we’ve decided to start building our family rig into a capable vehicle that would allow us to enjoy more of the great outdoors and family unity.
Safe travels,
Contributor I
World Traveler III
Enthusiast II
Contributor I
Member III
Contributor I
Thanks a ton for all that info! I'll look through the links now. Excited to get out with some folks!Hello Nico (@4RunAndGun , welcome from Oklahoma.
You are in the Southwest Region. Check out the Southwest Region sub-forum for local information and involvement opportunities.
Here is the link to the forum calendar and Meet-Up event page: Overland Bound Meetups.
Or to check out what other members are planning go here: Overland Trip Planning
I am the SW Region Member Rep so if you have any questions let me know.
If you are on Facebook feel free to join us there as well, Overland Bound – Southwest.
Member III
Member I
Pathfinder II
Welcome from Oklahoma!Hello y'all. I'm Dane from Benton, Ar. No rig as of yet, just regular cars, but love the idea of taking the family to explore God's country. My experience is none. I hope to learn a ton from being here. Thank you for having me.
Advocate I
Advocate III
Educator I
Hey guys!
My name is James (OB-010), I joined a long time ago but haven't had a chance to dive into the online forums so here we go!
Im located in NC, moving to Utah this winter for a new chapter of life and much more vehicle sustained travel!
My truck is a 2016 T4R Trail W/O KDSS, Stage 5 Icon, CBI front and rear Bumpers, CBI kick out sliders, Prinsu designs Roof Rack, GO FSR awning, KC HiLites, VTX rouge wheels, Full CBI aluminum skids, AIRFLOW CAI, Safari Snorkel, SNOMASTER 60L Fridge, ARB on board air, dual battery set up, 305/70/17 Toyo Open Country AT II. It has carried me from New England all the way to Top of the World Utah and places here in NC.
I have been into the overland lifestyle since first purchasing an FJ back in 2012, I have traveled quite a bit living out of the vehicle for weeks at a time supporting outdoor activities I enjoy such as rock climbing, hiking, photography and mountain biking. I am also a member of Rock Creek Overland.
I look forward to meeting more of you and expanding my knowledge through others!
Builder II
Hi TJ!....welcome to OB from Down Under ... fellow WJ'er...1) Picture! If you have a rig, we want to see it!
2) Location (General area is fine)
Lincoln, CA
3) Rig (Year, Make, Model, etc.)
2003 Jeep Grand Cherokee (WJ) Overland (hey, it's got the right name!)
4) Overlanding Experience Background (Novice or Experienced, you're welcome here!)
I have a lot of wheeling experience, from rock crawling to high-speed desert running. Also a lot of backpacking and camping experience when I was younger, and "Glamping" in recent years. However, I'm just starting to put it all together and do some vehicle-based, adventure camping... aka Overlanding.
I'll start a separate thread with some rig details and history.
Advocate I
Very cool WJ... I love seeing RHD versions. Is it a diesel or petrol? I spent about 2 years in AUS/NZ for work, always had a great time there and got to wheel and camp a bit too. Have you run a roof-top-tent on your factory rack (I see you have aftermarket cross-bars, but I'm curious how the stock front to rear bars hold up with a tent on 'em)?