Sorry I missed it, I had a last minute work emergency and needed to be at a jobsite first thing this morning. To top it off, everyone was late by over an hour.
Influencer I
Influencer I
Im using Gaia/Alltrails/Google Maps offline on my iPad Air2 for navigation BTW.Thanks for the heads up and advice Barclay. Installing 3" Rough & Country suspension lift before my trip. Still on 31s though. Hopefully 33s by next month.. So Berdoo Canyon Road and Berdoo Canyon Trail are not the same right? I hope the weather wont be too bad. Do you think Ill need chains or tracks? My truck is 4x4.
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Influencer I
Influencer I
Just realized I didn't answer a couple questions: I don't think you'll need chains unless you end up in high elevation big Bear (CHP might require it if the snow or ice collects) and sand ladders are always a good idea but probably not necessary for Joshua tree. Nothing too sandy there that I hit.I find Gaia best for offroading, even though it's UI is kind of clunky, and Alltrails better for hiking. Google Maps will actually route you through some surprisingly difficult places, which surprised me the first time it happened.
I'm not sure if there's a difference between Berdoo Canyon Road and Berdoo Canyon Trail; they come up as the same thing for me on my searches.
Influencer I
You can record with Gaia as well, up to you which you use. Note that off-road ratings on alltrails is super inconsistent in my experience.I agree with you on Gaia... Actually Alltrails showcases hiking trails but of you search for Off Road trails it offers it as well with a variety of maps and more. I have the Alltrails pro. It records your run with altitude levels and time.![]()
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Advocate II