Death Valley National Park Closure

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Kent R

OB Executive Director
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Mod Team

Pathfinder III

El Dorado, Ca
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Retired Firefighter
Alerts & Conditions
Park Closure
  • Death Valley National Park is temporarily closed as of April 4th, 2020.
    Death Valley National Park is closed, due to public health concerns. All park facilities, restrooms, viewpoints, trails, roads, and campgrounds are closed until further notice. CA-190 and Daylight Pass are open to pass-through traffic.more
  • Gas Station May Be Closed at Stovepipe Wells
    The gas station at Stovepipe Wells will close during strong winds due to a safety issue.
  • Scotty's Castle CLOSED until fall 2021.
    Flooding in Grapevine Canyon from a severe thunderstorm has destroyed the road to Scotty's Castle, damaged infrastructure and some out-buildings in the Castle complex. more
  • Permits Cancelled
    To limit the spread of COVID-19, all permits are cancelled and no new permits are being issued. This includes: bus transportation, car testing, commercial activity, special use, film, and research permits. Please send questions to

Park Status during COVID-19
(Updated 4/4/2020)
Death Valley National Park is CLOSED
Following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and recommendations from state and local public health in consultation with NPS Public Health Service officers, Death Valley National Park is temporarily closed. The health and safety of our visitors, employees, volunteers, and partners is our number one priority. The National Park Service (NPS) is working servicewide with federal, state, and local authorities to closely monitor the COVID-19 pandemic.

All areas of the park are closed, including: trails, roads, viewpoints, visitor centers, restrooms, and campgrounds.

When the park resumes full operations, updates will be posted on the website and social media channels.
All park roads are closed. Highway 190 and Daylight Pass Road remain open to through traffic only for those on essential travel.
  • All NPS campgrounds are closed, including front-country and back-country campgrounds.
  • Panamint Springs Resort's campground is open.
Furnace Creek and Stovepipe Wells airports are closed.
Resorts: Fuel and Amenities
  • The Oasis at Death Valley is completely closed, except for the pay-at-the-pump gas station.
  • Stovepipe Wells Resort is closed, except for pay-at-the-pump gas station and the general store (open 9:30 am-5:30 pm). The gas station will be closed during winds of 25 mph or higher.
  • Panamint Springs Resort has a pay-at-the-pump gas station and some limited amenities.