Enthusiast III
A little bit of extra warmth can make winter camping a whole lot more fun.
So therefore I'm looking at some possibilities.
To sum it up I have 3 possible solutions:
1) a diesel heater
2) a kerosine (Petroleum) heater
3) a wood burning stove
Those 3 are (as far as I know) the only possibilities that do not ad moisture (and therefore condensation) to the tent.
All come with their own pro's and con's.
For the Diesel heater, the main pro is ease of use, set it and forget it.
The main con is the noice (exhaust and diesel pump). I hate noice at night, for myself but also I do not want to attract attention.
For the kerosine heater pro is cost of purchase and it gives a bit more ambiance, and the con, need some more attention and is less safe as the Diesel heater.
The wood stove, pros are: a lot of heat, a lot of ambiance. Cons are price, the wood you need to carry and the maintenance to keep the fire burning at night
So who has experience with what and can help me decide. For the moment I tend to the kerosine.
So therefore I'm looking at some possibilities.
To sum it up I have 3 possible solutions:
1) a diesel heater
2) a kerosine (Petroleum) heater
3) a wood burning stove
Those 3 are (as far as I know) the only possibilities that do not ad moisture (and therefore condensation) to the tent.
All come with their own pro's and con's.
For the Diesel heater, the main pro is ease of use, set it and forget it.
The main con is the noice (exhaust and diesel pump). I hate noice at night, for myself but also I do not want to attract attention.
For the kerosine heater pro is cost of purchase and it gives a bit more ambiance, and the con, need some more attention and is less safe as the Diesel heater.
The wood stove, pros are: a lot of heat, a lot of ambiance. Cons are price, the wood you need to carry and the maintenance to keep the fire burning at night
So who has experience with what and can help me decide. For the moment I tend to the kerosine.