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  1. JeffP

    What are your plans for 2017?

    I'm beginning to put a plan in place for a one week trip from the NYC area up through New England and ending with a tour of Nova Scotia, my initial thought is the end of April.
  2. JeffP

    North-East OB presence?

    I'm in the Hudson Valley region, NY
  3. JeffP

    Members Instagram ID

    @reel_pure :grinning:
  4. JeffP

    Member Number? Upgrade Your Account! Read

    #2733 in the house (although I would rather be outdoors...).
  5. JeffP


    Hi all. Jeff Patterson from Orange County, NY. I have a Jeep and like to go places and sleep in the back of it, prepare a meal in the middle of nowhere while sitting on a folding chair, and taking trips without too much of a real destination in mind. Have fun and be well!