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  1. PabstBlueSwayze

    MiniMax ZR2 Colorado Build

    That is what I was worried about, thanks for the feedback - it is much appreciated!
  2. PabstBlueSwayze

    MiniMax ZR2 Colorado Build

    Awesome rig! Awesome to see more people jump on the DuraMax ZR2 train. Random question for you - how is that Trasharoo setup on the tailgate working for you? I was toying with the idea of getting one and setting it up the same way but was unsure how well it works.
  3. PabstBlueSwayze

    Swayze Express - Colorado ZR2 Duramax

    Next trip was up to Big Bear to test out the ZR2 on Gold Mountain Trail - Paired off with two of my buddies in their Jeeps and decided to see how far the ZR2 would make it Overall, the ZR2 made it the full trail (with...
  4. PabstBlueSwayze

    Swayze Express - Colorado ZR2 Duramax

    Been awhile since Ive posted but over the last couple months Ive been able to break in the ZR2 on a few more trails around SoCal First up was a trip to Coyote Canyon in Anza Borrego for some simple wheeling, camping, and plancha cooking:
  5. PabstBlueSwayze

    Swayze Express - Colorado ZR2 Duramax

    Thanks for the advice! Already swiped my buddies SWR tuner in anticipation!
  6. PabstBlueSwayze

    Monthly Central Coast Meet

    Made it out to Pozo Summit past Santa Margarita Lake this past weekend on an impromptu trip after stocking up on some new gear and finally got to break in my ZR2 with a jimmy rigged CB radio along with my buddy and his Jeep. We had originally planned taking Garcia Ridge up and over but were...
  7. PabstBlueSwayze

    Swayze Express - Colorado ZR2 Duramax

    Made it out to Pozo Summit past Santa Margarita Lake this past weekend on an impromptu trip after stocking up on some new gear and finally got to break in my ZR2 with a jimmy rigged CB radio along with my buddy and his Jeep. Wasn't anything insanely difficult (other than sheer rock stair step...
  8. PabstBlueSwayze

    Monthly Central Coast Meet

    Thanks for the tips, it certainly is much appreciated! Ill have to give my buddy a call and take a look at your suggestions. Thanks again! Ill be sure to post some photos once I get back
  9. PabstBlueSwayze

    Monthly Central Coast Meet

    Heading up to SLO this weekend - anyone have any camp site or trail recommendations between Lopez Lake and Pozo area? Considering just taking Garcia Ridge road around and see what me and my buddy find
  10. PabstBlueSwayze

    Monthly Central Coast Meet

    I'm down in LA but would definitely take any excuse to head up to SLO or SB
  11. PabstBlueSwayze

    Swayze Express - Colorado ZR2 Duramax

    Pulled the trigger on a Colorado ZR2 Duramax and have to say Im quite stoked to get this truck out in the hills. Dont have much planned additions at this time besides getting radio/comms, bed rack + rooftop tent, and hopefully a front bumper + winch. Definitely gonna take some inspiration from...
  12. PabstBlueSwayze

    2014 4Runner (Mini Fridge) Build

    Cant go wrong with REI Half Dome. Plenty o' space, doors on each side, and all in a pretty damn light package. I would definitely give that a look if you got a REI nearby.
  13. PabstBlueSwayze

    2015 Chevy Colorado - Project RadRunner

    @goleee33 As a future (hopeful) ZR2 owner - what is the brand of the rack you have on the back? Im looking for a low profile rack that can keep a RTT beneath the height of the cab as much as possible
  14. PabstBlueSwayze

    Tacoma v. Colorado ZR2 (Or the battle between Gas and Diesel)

    Early adoption is one of my concerns and I definitely appreciate the feedback. One of the divisive arguments between the two rigs is that there is a hell of a lot more parts and support for the Taco but the ZR2, as you note, is uncharted and new. I can deal with uncharted and new with a...
  15. PabstBlueSwayze

    Tacoma v. Colorado ZR2 (Or the battle between Gas and Diesel)

    So my tried and true 2007 2WD Tacoma is reaching its 10th birthday and I find myself in a good position to (a) get a new rig and (b) dive deeper into overlanding. Right now Im torn between pursuing another Tacoma TRD Off-Road and/or TRD Pro V6 or indulging in a Chevy Colorado ZR2 Duramax 2.8...