I understand if you're not interested in using Telegram, but you'll meet more folks faster there. Otherwise, there should be a few guys stumble in here from time to time.
We've got a pretty healthy Colorado group, but we've come to communicate more via Telegram. I've shared your thread there with a suggestion to invite you, if you're so inclined to join us.
Be aware that the midwestern states are hundreds of miles of boring dirt roads. Many people get bored out of their minds and bail for the highway.
This is a very long trip to travel with unfamiliar people. Some may want to travel 20 miles an hour while another may want to travel 40. Some may...
You're probably aware that there's no shortage of amazing 4x4 roads in the western states. I can certainly help you with Colorado, if desired.
Be prepared to get bored out of your mind crossing the Midwestern states.
Do you otherwise have reason to go to the East Coast or is it just for the tat?
I've done it three times in my stock Avalanche. There's only one spot that ever gave me any concern and the last time I was there it had been fixed. We've camped along that Loop at least three times too.
I should mention that I have a lot of experience though so your comfort level may vary...
I don't mean to hijack your trip, but if you are interested there are some fun side trips along the way. Also, a lot of the front range Overland bound group mainly communicate via telegram now. I could throw the invite out to them and probably pick up a couple more people.
I'm familiar with the sand gulch campground, but I'm curious what route you're planning to take. Have you ever taken the nearby Banks trail? There's some free camping in that area too if you're so inclined.
That may be true if you leave the settings unchanged. I have probably done it more than once. Oops. I suspect if you adjust the invite options during your edit you can avoid that, however. No warranties expressed or implied.
So you're probably aware that that section from 550 to animas forks (sometimes called mineral Creek) can be a good bit more difficult than all of the rest of the trails you've mentioned. It doesn't see the level of road maintenance that the true loop does. Perhaps we've had this discussion...
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