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  1. OverlandFaction

    EU West Europe Winter Campout@ The Fort

    It's a good place to go, the owners are trying to make it work as an events venue. It used to be a museum with vehicle and aircraft displays, but it was all auctioned off during COVID. As I understand they are trying to rebuild it again.
  2. OverlandFaction

    EU West Europe Winter Campout@ The Fort

    The first Camp Out of the New Year, this is a Traction Academy / BugOut Vehicles Event Should be a good event and not a mudfest like last time. View Rally Point
  3. OverlandFaction

    EU Mid Europe Pre-Christmas Meet-up

    A little far for another trip to Germany this year
  4. OverlandFaction

    Resolved Issue with adding POI's

    Nope still happens, just had it again while I was dropping a few pins today. It's bloody annoying as you flip from the app to get the phone number for example, switch back and the app crashes and reloads, which means having to put all the content back in.
  5. OverlandFaction

    EU Mid Europe Meetup at OTTO expo 2024 in Thuringia, Germany/ Europe

    No problem it was a pleasure to meet everyone..
  6. OverlandFaction

    Resolved Issue with adding POI's

    Multiple problems encountered again.. Should be able to add poi using w3w, lat long nether works have to revert to putting in physical address. If you switch from App to Google maps and back, app reloads. All gets a bit boring as the experience is poor.
  7. OverlandFaction

    Packout Heater

    So winter is arriving and I needed to sort out the climate control for the roof tent. I use packout as my main storage solution and needed something that fits. Now going against all the advice of not mounting the heater upside down, I forged ahead. Why can this be an issue? In the side of the...
  8. OverlandFaction

    Irish overlanding

    Have you found - Donegal Overlanding I''ll also PM you the West Europe FB and WhatsApp Group.
  9. OverlandFaction

    Irish overlanding

    Not in Ireland, but just finished 3 weeks on the green isle visiting all 4 corners.. Beautiful country. Also very easy for Overlanding compared to England. @Outdoordog - Just a note Scotch can only be found in Scotland and is only a certain type of Whiskey, In Ireland you get Blended, Single...
  10. OverlandFaction

    Let's see those rigs in action

    My Grand Cherokee high up in the Italian Alps.. June 2024
  11. OverlandFaction

    EU Mid Europe Meetup at OTTO expo 2024 in Thuringia, Germany/ Europe

    I have one of the fold up wire mesh things they are about 550x550mm when setup. Quite good for a group. Will try and find logs on route.
  12. OverlandFaction

    Affordable A/T Tires

    So a bit of experience with this as I run rental Jeep's etc.. BFG KO2's - Value for money is the key, they last longer than anything else if setup right. Falken Wildpeak - Cheaper, look great, perform better than the BFG's just to the tread in mud, but not quite the same millage. MAXXIS - -...
  13. OverlandFaction

    closure Mont Blanc tunnel

    That's some maintenance, but at least it's only at night mainly. Also the detours are stunning.
  14. OverlandFaction

    Local WhatsApp groups you want to be part of when in trouble...

    Do you have the link for the new OB Europe Community?
  15. OverlandFaction

    How are people crossing the Indian border on land?

    The best part about India is the train network, built by the British and still run today, to the point it's better than the system in the UK.. It goes everywhere. If you travel light then correct you could actually travel India while your vehicle ships elsewhere. Do you have an outline A/B plan?
  16. OverlandFaction

    How are people crossing the Indian border on land?

    There is a UK member who has taken his Jeep all the way to India and back.. He is not very active on here but you can find him on fb - Log into Facebook Its not as difficult as it seem's. You need to arrive in Mumbai or Chennai this needs to be on a CDP and is initially 6 months and can be...
  17. OverlandFaction

    EU Mid Europe Meetup at OTTO expo 2024 in Thuringia, Germany/ Europe

    I'm still thinking of attending, just waiting on a few work things first.
  18. OverlandFaction

    Vehicle Breakdown

    OB Members Gary and Heather have broken down on their way to AllRad, they were collected from the Motorway by ADAC and taken to a garage, only to find out they do not open until Monday for work. Just looking for a little help to see if this can be sped up or someone else local can take a look...
  19. OverlandFaction

    Resolved Mechanical Breakdown

    Likely to be crank position sensor
  20. OverlandFaction

    Cancelled Test

    Test View Rally Point