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  1. Outdoordog

    New to solo camping?

    Majority of my camping is with my 2 dogs. I feel obliged when I camp with other people, its nice at times with some good buddies, but I really prefer it alone. A lot more quiet, and makes a different experience for sure. I notice the sky a lot more too, at night that is.
  2. Outdoordog

    New to overlanding not off-roading

    My wife almost bought a Subaru outlander (I believe). I was already looking up lift kits, roofracks, and tires. There's a decent size market, and wouldn't be hard to do at all. Luckily for me, she decided on a Kia. More money on my vehicle hehe.
  3. Outdoordog

    Overland "Types?"

    Been camping all my life, offroading a little over a decade. My rig is offroad first, camping 2nd. No camping stuff that compromises it's capability (like a RTT). Maybe my roofrack adds a little top weight, but not enough to notice. Dunno why, I want to avoid the overland look on my daily...
  4. Outdoordog

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    Nothing, but did a photoshoot with a new flashlight that just came in. Its a neat flashlight too, has 3 lighting options. Flood light, spot light, and side light (which has many features/colors/flash). Also can be a power bank as it uses two 4000mah 18650s.
  5. Outdoordog

    What is the last thing you bought and plan to buy?

    What kind of knives do you have?
  6. Outdoordog

    What is the last thing you bought and plan to buy?

    Got my 1st ebike. Has fat tires, so probably would do well on dirt.
  7. Outdoordog

    Thoughts on portals ??

    I heard they weren't great for uneven terrain? Any truth to this?
  8. Outdoordog

    It's gone.

    As long as it can run free in the wild...
  9. Outdoordog

    My latest article Land Cruisers of the GWOT

    My buddy has a Prado, forget which year. Cool little vehicle. Not very capable in offroading, but still, they're cool.
  10. Outdoordog

    Toyota Badge of Honor Trails - Part II

    I'm guessing my chevy cruze can get a badge too? Haha kidding
  11. Outdoordog

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    Did a check for loose nuts underneath. Big trip coming in a few days.
  12. Outdoordog

    My storage trunks and suggestions to organize better?

    Condition 1. They had a 2 for 1 sale a while ago, couldn't say no
  13. Outdoordog

    Greetings from Huntington Beach / Crestline, CA

    Used to live in HB, then near running springs, and now back down the hill.
  14. Outdoordog

    So Cal - Los Angeles/Santa Clarita?

    I'm on the very east side of Los angeles county. Near 60 and 71.
  15. Outdoordog

    Weather Apps

    Normally I don't have reception when I'm camping in the middle of nowhere. So I'll take screenshot of the weather in the area I'll be staying at for about a week or two, just to get a general idea of what's to come. Mostly, I use to to avoid heat and wind.
  16. Outdoordog

    Overlanding for tough days

    As long as fuel stations have diesel, I'm good! I live on top of a steep hill, so rain wouldn't affect me, but an earthquake or fire would. I do know where there are natural springs that spit out a little bit of water, so I'll be good with that, but want to learn to trap game someday. I have...
  17. Outdoordog

    Irish overlanding

    That's neat! I'm not too knowledgeable on liquors, but once I was at my cousins sons birthday party, and there was an open bar. I was getting Macallan 12 (neat), and say they had a Macallan 25. Asked for one, he said it's not on the house (was open bar), I said it's fine. It was so smooth and...