Thank you for sharing. I think that is a great point. That is why I am in the process of not only having the InReach but also APRS setup through Ham Radio to be able to send sms text and brief emails. I am just learning it’s limitations as well but will be another way to communicate
That’s awesome! Thanks for the info. I am headed that way in about 10 days. Not sure exactly what our track will be but am really looking forward to exploring it.
Great Info. I have been looking for an app on IOS that would be comparable to aprsdroid but it doesn’t seem to exist. Looks like I will be buying a cheap tablet to dedicate to this and use my IPad for everything else...
I ordered my FTM 400 from Ham Radio Outlet on December 15th and of course they were out of stock but just had it delivered yesterday.
Now to install it and learn how to use it...
I can't say that I believe in Bigfoot, but what I will say is there are things that I have experienced that I can't explain. Its kind of like the answer I give about UFOs which is "What makes us so conceded to think out of an infinite number of planets around infinite number of suns, we are the...
Will be installing a pile of parts that I have sitting in my garage. Also will be posting some YouTube videos of some trips and the build
Gotta get 100 followers on YouTube to get a dedicated URL to get rid of the long link.
This setup goes with me everywhere. It is the simplest and best way I have found to make great coffee:
1st picture is of my Maxpedition bag that contains my Jetboil and all needed components along with my GSI Silicone Pour Over Filter Basket
Next is how I contain my coffee as well as salt and...
That’s a bummer. I am having to practice patience with my holiday orders for my 4Runner. Almost everything I have ordered I have been told “6 to 8 weeks” except for the roof rack which is a minimum 16 week lead time.
Welcome from Rogue River Oregon. I am new to the community as well. I have talked to a few others locally and we were possibly doing something after the holidays towards the Bend area to play in the snow. Although I procrastinate a lot because of a busy schedule so there's that...:)
I have seen that and am wanting to join in as soon as time permits. Being a Retail Store Manager as my day job, I just try to survive the 4th quarter and look forward to January
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