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  1. Inthewoods

    Question on Differential Lockers

    I have a 1997 Dodge Ram 2500 and I changed my gears from a 4.11 limited slip to 4.88 with a Detroit Locker running 35 in tires. My 8800 lbs stock, now over 9500 lbs with all my overlanding gear, drives nice. My Detroit locker is nice, If I roll thur the corners, it works like an open diff but...
  2. Inthewoods

    US West Another great snow camping coming up.

    Come join us for a snow camping trip above Shaver Lake CA from Visalia CA. View Rally Point
  3. Inthewoods

    US West Meet and Greet Visalia CA

    We are trip planning our snow camping trip. Anyone that wants to join in are welcome. The snow camping trip will be from January 17th to 19th. View Rally Point
  4. Inthewoods

    US West Monache Meadows trip for Visalia Ca group and anyone wanting to join in.

    I will have to cancel this trip. I was preparing my rig and my water pump starting leaking. I was at an auto shop checking something else when this happened but they couldn't get me in to fix today. We will be preparing for the winter camping next, so stay tune for that event.
  5. Inthewoods

    US West Monache Meadows trip for Visalia Ca group and anyone wanting to join in.

    Getting my rig ready still. I have a vacuum leak in the front four wheel drive. I found a way to bypass the vacuum and go direct. I'll be packing tonight ready for the morning. Temps at night could be in the 20s.
  6. Inthewoods

    US West Monache Meadows trip for Visalia Ca group and anyone wanting to join in.

    A trip to high elevation relaxation from Visalia CA. View Rally Point
  7. Inthewoods

    US West Courtright Reservoir

    We will be camping at Voyager Rock Campground for family fun and fishing. Bring kayak. View Rally Point
  8. Inthewoods

    US West Meet and greet in Visalia CA

    We will discuss the trips that are coming up and check each others rig for ideas. View Rally Point
  9. Inthewoods


    I camp 8k and up and found no Bigfoot and my camp spot is on the Bigfoot website as a location of noises. Monache Meadow in the sierra mountains. I'll keep looking out here inthewoods.
  10. Inthewoods

    What do fridge owners do in bear country?

    I cook bacon on every trip and every morning. I have dinner done and cleaned up everything before dark so I can enjoy my coffee by the fire. I have the ARB dual zone fridge in the back seat. I cover it with many things to change the shape of it. All the food in my deck system is sealed and any...
  11. Inthewoods

    Let's see those rigs in action

    February 2024 waiting for the big snow storm. 22 degree and doors froze shut. Below , the snow came down real heavy in just a couple hours that we had to leave. Snow up the tires and we had about a 9 mile trip to good road.
  12. Inthewoods

    Looking for an easy/low moderate trail to camp and get initiated (Base is San Joaquin Cnty)

    I know the Joaquin valley is bigger than 9 US states. If you're close to Visalia CA then we have meetings you can join in. OB people are very helpful and happy to help with information on rigs.
  13. Inthewoods

    Let's see those full size rigs - Trucks & SUV

    Sounds like a good set up. I have a second gen dodge ram 2500 with 5.9 gas. I regeared from 4:11 limited slip to 4:88s with a Detroit locker in the rear. I'm running 35s and pull my 38 ft travel trailer. I almost went with 4:56but that wouldn't have made a difference. I carry a lot of gear that...
  14. Inthewoods

    Cancelled Central Valley Monthly Meet Up

    If SJ Dave can't do the meeting. I'll hold one on march 17th in Fresno. I have meetings and speaking engagement that are keeping me busy till then. I'll see who will come and help get anyone that wants to carry it on. If Dave can let me know if he can, if not, then I'll post post the Rally point.
  15. Inthewoods

    Let's see those full size rigs - Trucks & SUV

    This is Feb 4 2024 above Fresno waiting for the big snow storm and it came fast and heavy. We had to grab our gear under the snow and head out on the 9 miles of snow covered back roads. This much snow in just 3 hours. This is our Visalia CA OB group trip.
  16. Inthewoods

    Central Valley/Central CA Roll Call! Where you from?

    2-4-24 From Visalia CA but currently right now in the mountains waiting for the snow storm.
  17. Inthewoods

    Rally point

    Ouroverlandtrips, I have been thinking of a local place to sell overlanding gear but there is none. So I started a website of overlanding stuff and have been thinking of where to put a brick and mortar store. Our office is located in Visalia CA. Where I hold OB meetings. A few of us are heading...
  18. Inthewoods

    Let's see those full size rigs - Trucks & SUV

    Just installed the batwing and now using it camping just outside of the Grand canyon AZ
  19. Inthewoods

    US West Snow camping above Fresno CA

    Snow camping View Rally Point
  20. Inthewoods

    US West Meet and greet right here in Visalia CA. Trip planning.

    Trip planning for a winter trip and a get together work day. View Rally Point