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  1. J

    Lower Bed Rack w/ Smaller Tent vs Higher Rack w/ Larger Tent

    Thanks for the reply. And that's pretty much the direction I'm leaning. Currently looking at Billie Bars (5 or 8 inch not sure yet), and Roofnest Condor or Condor XL. The XL will stick out by a couple inches off the back of the bed, which I know will annoy me a bit. But might just have to...
  2. J

    Lower Bed Rack w/ Smaller Tent vs Higher Rack w/ Larger Tent

    Nice! Great info. I've been talking with a voodoo rep and he was saying I needed a 22" to clear my antenna fin, with the tonneau brackets that would raise the overall height to 24.5. That's for any RTT that would overlap my cab. I really wish iKamper made an in between 2 and 4 person that...
  3. J

    Lower Bed Rack w/ Smaller Tent vs Higher Rack w/ Larger Tent

    Yeah, definitely going in with a bigger truck. That's all I have to work with at the moment. Do you have any examples of what you mean by "pop up?"
  4. J

    Lower Bed Rack w/ Smaller Tent vs Higher Rack w/ Larger Tent

    Hello, new to the board. I am slowly building up my 2020 Ram 1500 crew cab, and I'm currently looking at a 10" aluminum Max Modular truck bed rack for an iKamper Skycamp 3.0 Mini, or a 20" rack for the iKamper Skycamp 3.0. Been going through the pro's and cons, like the lower being relatively...